There are various ways to donate to Temple B’nai Sholom.
To mail a check, please send to PO Box 2463, Huntsville, AL 35804
To donate electronically, click here!
Tree of Life:
Leaves on the Tree of Life commemorate joyous life cycle events. Donations of $100 or $500 go into the General Fund. Contact the Temple office for contact information for purchasing leaves.
Library Fund:
Donations are used to purchase books, materials, and equipment needed for the library to serve the congregation
Cantor Sharon Kunitz Memorial Music Fund:
Choir supplies are purchased and music education is paid from this fund.
Temple B’nai Sholom Children’s Educational Fund:
Money from this fund is to be used for any type of special programming geared towards the youth of the Temple.
Building Fund:
Contributes to paying for renovation expenses.
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund:
Assists the Rabbi with the various needs of our community.
Goldsmith Endowment Fund:
Income is used for educational and cultural programming and occasionally other special needs.
Lawrence Goldsmith Cemetery Maintenance Fund:
Used to repair and maintain grave sites of former members of the Temple buried in the City of Huntsville owned Maple Hill Cemetery, funding the payment of repairs and maintenance not performed by the City of Huntsville, Alabama.
General Endowment Fund:
Income is used to supplement the annual budget. A Silver Endowed membership ($25,000) entitles a member to 50% reduction in dues and maintenance of assessment liability. A Golden Endowed membership ($40,000) results in no dues or assessment liability. Contact endowment chairperson for further details. This is subject to change.
Sisterhood Donations:
Donations to these funds or the Sisterhood General fund may be made by contacting the Sisterhood Treasurer or the Temple office. Please specify “Sisterhood” and the desired fund.